
Minimal storyboard dependency injection for macOS/iOS

Primary LanguageSwiftISC LicenseISC


This framework is a minimal dependency injection framework for macOS and iOS. It injects properties into (NS|UI)ViewControllers loaded from a storyboard.

Both Typhoon and Swinject are way more complicated than what I needed. Also, Swinject can't inject into subclasses, and it would require a pretty massive rewrite to support that.

This project was developed on macOS 10.12 using Xcode 8.3. It is written in Swift 3, using Objective-C only for the swizzling the view controllers.


		let storyboard = NSStoryboard(name: "SomeFile", bundle: Bundle(for: type(of: self)))
		let context = InjectorContext()
		context.register(MyControllerSubclass.self) { controller in
			controller.name = "foo"
		storyboard.injectionContext = context
		guard let vc = storyboard.instantiateController(withIdentifier: "storyboardIdentifier") as? MyControllerSubclass else { fatalError() }
		//any controller loaded from that storyboard will now have any appropriate values injected from context