A cross-platform video analysis tool for generating cycle times of manufacturing processes.
- 0
Add a blank video place holder when none is loaded.
#122 opened by noncog - 0
- 0
Refactor load functions out of the menu bar functions.
#120 opened by noncog - 0
Add an input to change the last frame of the analysis.
#119 opened by noncog - 0
- 0
- 0
Add a customizable data explorer.
#116 opened by noncog - 0
Remove cout diagnostics.
#115 opened by noncog - 0
- 0
- 0
Replace demo video file.
#109 opened by noncog - 0
Add export ability to results section.
#98 opened by noncog - 0
Create a results section.
#97 opened by noncog - 0
Add other comparison algorithms.
#108 opened by noncog - 0
- 0
Create a first algorithm for completing the frame comparison and generating cycle times.
#96 opened by noncog - 0
- 0
Create the loading file dialog options.
#93 opened by noncog - 0
Create an open file menu option.
#92 opened by noncog - 0
Integrate tiny file dialogs using CMake.
#91 opened by noncog - 0
- 0
Add a Makefile for Linux and macOS.
#87 opened by noncog - 0
Add operating systems shields to the README.
#81 opened by noncog - 0
Add OpenCV to build system using CMake.
#82 opened by noncog - 0
Integrate error function callbacks into testing.
#51 opened by noncog - 0
Create a base ImGUI setup.
#78 opened by noncog - 0
- 0
Create an include directory.
#48 opened by noncog - 0
Create a source directory.
#47 opened by noncog - 0
Set up a base GLFW window creation.
#43 opened by noncog - 0
Create a test directory.
#46 opened by noncog - 0
Integrate Doctest using CMake.
#76 opened by noncog - 0
- 0
Integrate ImPlot using CMake.
#41 opened by noncog - 0
Integrate Dear ImGUI using CMake.
#40 opened by noncog - 0
Integrate GLAD using CMake.
#39 opened by noncog - 0
Set up Develop branch on remote.
#49 opened by noncog - 0
- 0
Integrate GLFW using CMake.
#38 opened by noncog - 0
Add support for multiple operating systems to GitHub Actions continuous integration.
#34 opened by noncog - 0
Enable exporting of compile commands in CMake.
#37 opened by noncog - 0
Enable warnings as errors in CMake.
#36 opened by noncog - 0
- 0
Add a clang-format file.
#32 opened by noncog - 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
Add a base .gitignore to the repository.
#31 opened by noncog - 0