
PyTorch Implementation of the Spectral Stein Gradient Estimator

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Spectral Stein Gradient Estimator

Pytorch implementation of the paper A Spectral Approach to Gradient Estimation for Implicit Distributions (https://arxiv.org/abs/1806.02925) by Shi et. al.

Toy Experiments


latent_z = torch.randn((100, 1))
# Generative model with parameters theta
x = f(latent_z, theta)

# Gradient of the model with respect to its parameters
x_grad = df_dtheta

# Complex modelling distribution which can be sampled
model_dist = torch.distributions.Normal(torch.tensor([1.0]), torch.tensor([0.75]))
samples = model_dist.sample((100, ))

# Get the estimate of the score 
score_estimator = SpectralSteinEstimator(eta=0.0095)
score = score_estimator(x, samples)

# Compute the gradient of the entropy with 
# respect to the model parameters
grad_estimator = EntropyGradient(eta=0.0095)
entropy_grad = grad_estimator(x, x_grad, samples)

For getting started, see the list of toy examples.


[1] Original Implementation in TensorFlow (https://github.com/thjashin/spectral-stein-grad)