Getting Started with Landing

Run project

In the project directory, you can run:

yarn start

Then start application with

npm start

Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.

Folder Structure

│   .gitignore  
│   .env.development
│   .env.test
│   .env.production
│   package.json
│   yarn.lock
│   └───_shared
│       │   defs
│       │   utils
│   └───pages
│       │   EditProfile
│       │   Landing
│       │   Login
│   └───app
│       │   layout
│       │   App.js
│       │   App.scss
│       │   App.test.js
│   └───redux
│       │   action
│       │   middlewares
│       │   reducer
│   └───services
│       │   auth.js
│       │   axios.js
│   │   index.js
│   │   index.scss
    │   index.html