
Next.js Starter with Tailwind, Typescript, Radix Colors and Dark Mode

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Next.js starter with Typescript & Tailwind.css (feat. next-themes for dark mode).


  • bg-opacity-x utils don't work with custom radix colors
    • That said, using radix colors plugins means we automatically get theming w/ light / dark
  • custom radix colors don't get inline color previews in VSCode



  • Add docs
    • Features
      • TS
      • ESLint
      • Husky
      • Themes
      • getLayout
    • Set up
    • Usage
  • Add react-error-boundary
  • Update index
  • Add docs route
  • Add favicon, opengraph metadata, etc.
  • Remove providers component
  • Add Husky
    • Add package
    • Add pre-commit
    • Add post-merge
  • Add zustand
    • Add package
    • Remove custom context implementation currently being used
  • Cleanup eslint config
  • Figure out color preview for radix-colors
  • Fix paths in tsconfig.json
    • Just use relative imports?
  • Use data/site.config.json in Header
    • Removed altogether
  • Cleanup tailwind.config.js
    • Remove prose customizations
      • Eh, I like the prose customizations.
      • Though if I use radix-colors plugin, it automatically changes color variant between light/dark
    • Remove homemade radix plugin
  • use only Inter as custom font
    • Remove Recursive
    • Remove Space Mono
    • Remove Space Grotesk
    • Cleanup tailwind config
  • Figure out which postcss plugins are actually needed
  • Remove unneeded postcss plugins
  • Remove @babel/core
  • Remove tailwind-typography
    • Remove plugin
    • Remove customization in tailwind.config.js
    • Really shouldn't be customizing styling in tailwind config, it would be easier just to do it from scratch


Tailwind Typography: Dark Mode

eslint config

Inter Font Config

# pyftsubset has to be installed
pyftsubset Inter.ttf \
  --unicodes="U+0000-00FF, U+0131, U+0152-0153, U+02BB-02BC, U+02C6, U+02DA, U+02DC, U+2000-206F, U+2074, U+20AC, U+2122, U+2191, U+2193, U+2212, U+2215, U+FEFF, U+FFFD" \
  --layout-features="" \
  --flavor="woff2" \