
Awesome page objects with Watir

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

watirsome Gem Version Build Status

Pure dynamic Watir-based page object DSL.

Inspired by page-object and watir-page-helper.


Just like any other gem:

➜ gem install watirsome

Or using bundler:

# Gemfile
gem 'watirsome'


class LoginPage
  include Watirsome

  text_field :username, label: 'Username'
  text_field :password, label: 'Password'
  button :submit_login, text: 'Login'

  def login(username, password)
    self.username = username
    self.password = password

browser = Watir::Browser.new
page = LoginPage.new(browser)
page.login('demo', 'demo')


Watirsome provides you with accessors DSL to isolate elements from your methods.

All accessors are just proxied to Watir, thus you free to use all its power in your page objects.

class Page
  include Watirsome

  # any method defined in Watir::Container are accessible
  body :body
  section :section, id: 'section_one'
  element :svg, tag_name: 'svg'


You can use any kind of locators you use with Watir.

class Page
  include Watirsome

  body :body
  section :one, id: 'section_one'
  element :svg, tag_name: 'svg'
  button :login, class: 'submit', index: 1

page = Page.new(@browser)
page.body_body     # equals to @browser.body
page.one_section   # equals to @browser.section(id: 'section_one')
page.svg_element   # equals to @browser.element(tag_name: 'svg')
page.login_button  # equals to @browser.button(class: 'submit', index: 1)

Watirsome also provides you with opportunity to locate elements by using any boolean method Watir element (and subelements) supports.

class Page
  include Watirsome

  div :layer, class: 'layer', visible: true
  span :wrapper, exists: false
  select_list :country, selected: 'Please select country...'

page = Page.new(@browser)
page.layer_div           # equals to @browser.divs(class: 'layer').find { |e| e.visible? == true }
page.wrapper_span        # equals to @browser.spans.find { |e| e.exists? == false }
page.country_select_list # equals to @browser.select_lists.find { |e| e.selected?('Please select country...') }

You can also use proc/lambda/block to locate element. Block is executed in the context of initialized page, so other accessors can be used.

class Page
  include Watirsome

  div :layer, class: 'layer'
  span :wrapper, -> { layer_div.span(class: 'span') }

page = Page.new(@browser)
page.wrapper_span  # equals to @browser.div(class: 'layer').span(class: 'span')

Moreover, you can pass arguments to blocks!

class Page
  include Watirsome

  div :layer, class: 'layer'
  a :link do |text|
    layer_div.a(text: text)

page = Page.new(@browser)
page.link_a('Login')  # equals to @browser.div(class: 'layer').a(text: 'Login')

Element Accessors

For each element, accessor method is defined which returns instance of Watir::Element (or subtype when applicable).

Element accessor method name is #{element_name}_#{tag_name}.

class Page
  include Watirsome

  section :section_one, id: 'section_one'
  element :svg, tag_name: 'svg'

page = Page.new(@browser)
page.section_one_section  #=> #<Watir::HTMLElement:0x201b2f994f32c922 selector={:tag_name=>"section"}>
page.svg_element          #=> #<Watir::HTMLElement:0x15288276ab771162 selector={:tag_name=>"svg"}>

Readable Accessors

For each readable element, accessor method is defined which returns text of that element.

Read accessor method name is element_name.

Default readable methods are: [:div, :span, :p, :h1, :h2, :h3, :h4, :h5, :h6, :select_list, :text_field, :textarea, :checkbox, :radio].

You can make other elements readable by adding tag names to Watirsome.readable.

# make section readable
Watirsome.readable << :section

class Page
  include Watirsome

  div :main, id: 'main_div'
  section :date, id: 'date'

page = Page.new(@browser)
page.main  # returns text of main div
page.date  # returns text of date section

There is a bit of logic behind text retrieval:

  1. If element is a text field or textarea, return value
  2. If element is a select list, return text of first selected option
  3. Otherwise, return text

Clickable Accessors

For each clickable element, accessor method is defined which performs click on that element.

Click accessor method name is element_name.

Default clickable methods are: [:a, :link, :button].

You can make other elements clickable by adding tag names to Watirsome.clickable.

# make input clickable
Watirsome.clickable << :input

class Page
  include Watirsome

  a :login, text: 'Login'
  input :submit, ->(type) { @browser.input(type: type) }

page = Page.new(@browser)
page.login             # clicks on link
page.submit('submit')  # clicks on submit input

Settable Accessors

For each settable element, accessor method is defined which sets value to that element.

Click accessor method name is #{element_name}=.

Default settable methods are: [:text_field, :file_field, :textarea, :checkbox, :select_list].

You can make other elements settable by adding tag names to Watirsome.settable.

# make input settable
Watirsome.settable << :input

class Page
  include Watirsome

  text_field :username, label: 'Username'
  input :date, type: 'date'
  select_list :country, label: 'Country'

page = Page.new(@browser)
page.username = 'Username'         # sets value of username text field
page.date = '2013-01-01', :return  # sends text to element and hits "Enter"
page.country = 'Russia'            # selects option with "Russia" text

If found element responds to #set, accessor calls it. Otherwise, #send_keys is used.


Watirsome provides you with initializers DSL to dynamically modify your pages/regions behavior.

Page Initializer

Each page may define #initialize_page method which will be used as page constructor.

class Page
  include Watirsome

  def initialize_page
    puts 'Initialized!'

#=> 'Initialized!'

Region Initializer

Each region you include/extend may define #initialize_region method which will be called after page constructor.

module HeaderRegion
  def initialize_region
    puts 'Initialzed header!'

module FooterRegion
  def initialize_region
    puts 'Initialzed footer!'

class Page
  include Watirsome
  include HeaderRegion

  def initialize_page
    extend FooterRegion

#=> 'Initialized header!'
#=> 'Initialized footer!'

Regions are being cached, so, once initialized, they won't be executed if you call Page#initialize_regions again.


  1. Currently tested to work only with watir-webdriver. Let me know if it works using watir-classic.
  2. You cannot use Watir::Browser#select method as it's overriden by Kernel#select. Use Watir::Browser#select_list instead.
  3. You cannot use block arguments to locate elements for settable/selectable accessors (it makes no sense). However, you can use block arguments for all other accessors.


  • Fork the project.
  • Make your feature addition or bug fix.
  • Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
  • Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history.
  • Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.


Copyright (c) 2016 Alex Rodionov. See LICENSE.md for details.