
A script which allows a developer to identify all of the methods in the specified library L which message a specified selector S

Primary LanguagePerl


Introduce a script which allows a developer to identify all of the methods in the specified library L which message a specified selector S.


./FindMethodsWhichMessageSelector-i386.pl /Path/To/Library selectorName


./FindMethodsWhichMessageSelector-i386.pl /System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/AppKit "addFontTrait:"

Selector "addFontTrait:" implementation found at:
  00c7febc  __TEXT:__cstring:addFontTrait:

Selector "addFontTrait:" appears to be called from the following methods:
  -[NSFontManager fontMenu:]:
  -[NSFontManager modifyFontTrait:]:


Note that this uses heuristics to determine if the S is called from a method M. Furthermore, it only works for i386 libraries for Mac OS X and iOS Simulator at the moment.