
A PHP gateway for displaying online map in Google Earth through kml

Primary LanguagePHP

A PHP gateway for displaying online map in Google Earth

Google Earth is a super tool to discover earth but it only offers satellite imagery.
Online mapsources are consistent and mainly used in webpages, desktop clients and mobile apps so, why not in Google Earth?
KmlSuperOverlay is a simple PHP gateway that intends to meet this need :) Of course, it's not the unique one!

I used geos for a long time - An excellent all-in-one standalone tool but as I'm not a 🐍 developer, I was not able to geek on it :(
Some "heavy" or complex WSGI server can also do that and some map providers, like caltopo, do it for a fee.

See credits below for further informations.

French IGN topo over Écrins

Swiss hiking paths & Strava run heatmap over Arolla

What kind of mapsources can I request?

You can use every online map server that doesn't require specific referer or a 2 steps authentication - only url tokens is now supported.
As you might know, there is no unique standard to request online tiles with some great complexity like the notorious EPSG!

KmlSuperOverlay support:

  • Tiled Web Map (TMS / WMTS)
    • Slippy Map (Standard)s
    • Reverse Y
    • Quad Tree
  • Web Map Service (WMS)
    • Version 1.0.0 to 1.3.0, from what I know...
    • EPSG 4326
    • EPSG 3857 and some alias - currently not exhaustively implemented
    • For other projections, I'm working on a transformation engine with cs2cs from proj with good results on coordinates transformation but still have issues with re-projection...

What are the benefits & features of this wonderful Gateway?

  • Pure & simple PHP. No dependencies or composer modules.
  • Fast or low memory footprint - That's why I concatenate string rather than using simple_xml. Thanks not yelling at me ;)
  • Based on Mobile Atlas Creator (mobac) and GEOS mapsource xml files.


  • PHP >= 8 (see #1 for PHP7)

    • tidy extension for a better kml formating (optional)
    • zip extension for kmz support (optional)
  • httpd 2.4

    • Will works with 2.0 or 2.2 just changing Require term in configuration

So, how does it work? in fact, quite simply!

/kmlsuperoverlay will be the "how-to" end-point example

1. httpd : add this to your host or vhost config (or .htaccess):

LoadModule rewrite_module ./modules/mod_rewrite.so  
<Location /kmlsuperoverlay >  
  RewriteEngine on  
  RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !index.php  
  RewriteRule ^(.*)$ index.php?qs=$1 [L,QSA]  
<Location /kmlsuperoverlay/mapsources >  
  Require all denied  

2. php : (optional) enable tidy & zip in php.ini


3. copy /index.sample.php to /index.php and configure it to fit your environment

// !! with ending '/'  
// !! with ending '/'  

4. Use it in Google Earth : add > network link

💥it works!💥

5. Tuning : /class/KmlSuperOverlay.php

All the "fine" tuning might be done with the static vars of KmlSuperOverlay Class

  • worldBbox: Default bounding box coordinates for region overlayed
  • tidyOptions : Operation made by Tidy (if enabled) to prettify kml format
  • kmlformat: Header, footer and styles for the generated kml file
  • lod: Level Of Detail configuration for groundOverlay (tiles) and networklink (kml)
    • Values are automatically overridden in case of:
      • overlay == false OR current zoom value == mapsource maxZoom >> lod["groundOverlay"]["maxLodPixels"] disabled
      • current zoom value == mapsource minZoom >> lod["groundOverlay"]["minLodPixels"] && lod["networkLink"]["minLodPixels"] disabled
      • Current values are optimized for 256x256px tile size.
  • altitude: Limit tile displaying between certain altitude point of view (0 = no limitation)
  • minZoom: Set the minimum displayed zoom even if mapsource minZoom is lower than defined
  • displayRegion: Enable or disable the display of a green rectangle representing the region if defined in mapsource.
  • debugHtml: if set to true, display kml output in html for browser rendering only
  • outFormat: .kml or .kmz. Default is .kml
    • kmz need zip extension to be enabled and offer less bandwidth but more cpu usage

6. Debug

Just end url with /debug, it's will set debug mode for all kml networklink.
Currently just dumping performance metrics on description element of the kml document.
Debug output can be html or kml (see above). kmz is disabled, even if it's set as the default output format.

You may have a look at Google kml superoverlays reference page to interpret kml output

7. Add mapsources

☝️ If you are a mobac and/or geos user, you can simply define MAP_SOURCE_ROOTs as same as their map sources directory KmlSuperOverlay will only keep xml customMapSource - excluding xml customMultiLayerMapSource and bsh BeanShell Script see #305 issue on mobac for extra elements

I provided as an example few mapsources for each format and feature in ./mapsources
Please have a look on map providers general conditions of use before and see Resources to enlarge your collection ;)

  • Full documentation about customMapSource is available on geos website

    • described on mobac website might be used to set transparency (only last hex value is used)
  • transparent: #FFFFFF00 ⚠️ Tile will not be visible

    • 50% transparency: #FFFFFF80
  • opaque: #FFFFFFFF (default)

  • I added:

    • described on mobac website
    • not documented as it's actually specific:
      Just add true for tiles in PNG Alpha (transparency)
      it will change Level Of Detail (lod) configuration to ensure that low zoomed tiles will not be visible and override the viewed ones

8. ⚠️ ​Beware!

  • Be sure to encode your customMapSource xml files in utf8, otherwise they'll not appear in your list if it contains accented char #frenchy


  • @grst for geos - My main inspiration for this project.
  • @r_x for mobac - A "must-have" tool for all GeekHiker like me ;)
  • @Nicolas.Paour for randochartreuse - The "good maths" for coordinates transformation.
