
🌌 Next Generation Static Blog Framework (Alpha) 下一代静态博客框架(支持页面/配置热重载)

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

🌌 Next Generation Static Blog Framework (Beta).

🧪 Working in Progress

NPM version

English (Todo) | 简体中文

Demo: valaxy.yyj.moe (Default theme is valaxy-theme-yun)


For a example, you can see demo/yun folder.

npm init valaxy
# yarn
# yarn create valaxy
# pnpm
# pnpm create valaxy

English & Chinese Docs is coming!

Wait a moment...


git clone https://github.com/YunYouJun/valaxy
cd valaxy

pnpm i
# esbuild watch valaxy cli & valaxy-theme-yun
# and run demo
pnpm dev

If you want to display info better in two terminal:

You can:

# watch valaxy & valaxy-theme-yun
pnpm dev:lib
# open a new terminal to run demo
pnpm demo


  • ⚡️ vitesse: Best Practices of Vue3
  • ☁️ Deploy on Netlify, zero-config
  • Todo



  • A script to generate theme template.
  • github actions auto generate site from theme repo/npm
  • debug component
  • git timestamp for post without date
  • check port is existed & use new port


💗 The implementation of Valaxy is based on or refer the following projects:

❤️ Thanks also to the following sponsors for their support.