
A lightweight HTTP 2.0 server with an emphasis on speed

MIT LicenseMIT


A lightweight HTTP 2.0 server with an emphasis on speed


The goal is an HTTP 2.0 static file server. If is the URL supplied, the HTTP 2.0 static server should:

  • return the contents of readme.txt if it is in the document root with HTTP code 200 OK
  • return 404 NOT FOUND if it is not in the document root
  • return 403 ACCESS DENIED if folder permissions hinder the file from being read

Additionally, kinetik should handle requests and responses signficantly more rapidly than Apache and Nginx currently do. Metrics should be taken to demonstrate this.


Dynamic web application support (perhaps including a microframework, Chakra integration, and an in-memory database?)


HTTPS support


Review this: https://tools.ietf.org/html/draft-ietf-httpbis-http2-04

Code Style Guidelines

To contribute code, your code must conform to these guidelines:

  • namespaces and variables are lowercased
  • constants are ALLCAPS
  • classes are PascalCase
  • functions are camelCase
  • functions should be less than 70 lines of code
  • all if statements require brackets
  • use properties instead of getters and setters
  • prefer generics over type casting
  • use StringBuilder instead of string concatenation
  • avoid unsafe code

Pull Requests

Pull requests to fulfill featured items are welcome, but must

  1. be a separate branch from the main one,
  2. conform to the above code style guidelines, and
  3. have unit tests passing at least on Windows