SI507 Final HearthStoneApp

Data source:
For the statistical data, although the API is public, there is no clear document for these API. To access the data, you need to inspect the webpage elements, and find the data these pages are loading under the "Network" and choose "Other".
Now you may see the data links, and you can retrieve the data directly:

import request
import json
response = request.get(file_url).json()

For deck information, you need to view at this page
For card information, you need to view at this page

This api have quite clear document, you can find their tutorial here
Note that before you use the api, you need to register an account and get the X-Mashape-key
I use this API for getting the card image, so I just follow the instruction of getting cards by their name:

import unirest
response = unirest.get("{name}",
    "X-Mashape-Key": Your_Key

For those who fail to install unirest, just replace unirest.get with requests.get

To run this app

Since this app has been uploaded on Heroku, you can run it directly on link (This could be slow)
Or you should clone this repository, at least HeartStone.sqlite and to your PC, and run python3
You may need to download the packages listed in requirements.txt

Core structures

For DashApp:

There are three main parts for this code:

  1. The layout of this app;
  2. The interactivity control;
  3. Codes and functions for accessing data and processing;

To view the codes for layout, just look at the variable app.layout, which includes:
a deck information table, following with an area for presenting deck details and three plotly figures for game counts, win rate and average time consumption;
a card information table, following with another area for presenting card images, and another four plotly figures.
Note that both of the two tables are implemented by dash_table_experiments
Here is a standard structure, also used in my code:

  rows = df.to_dict('records'),
  sortable = True,
  id = 'DecksTable'

All the interactivity control codes start with @app.callback. They control the Interactions between the two tables and the display of details and figures.
There're 11 interactivity controls:
update_selected_row_indices_decks and update_selected_row_indices_cards return the indexes of selected rows in table;
7 functions start with update_figure return the data collected from Apr. 3 to now of selected rows;
update_deck_detail and update_cards_image gives the composition of decks and images of cards

Accessing Data and Processing:
Data for presenting in tables are always the latest. A SELECT CollectTime FROM Decks ORDER BY CollectTime DESC LIMIT 1 is used in SQL query to ensure this. Another three functions serve for presenting details in App:
get_deck_detail converts a string of list of card ids and copies to a string of card names
cards_in_decks_detail returns the descriptive statistics of card cost, attack and health
cards_images returns the image links and sets of cards, where a large dictionary is used to convert the abbreviative set names to full ones:

  'CORE': 'Base',
  'EXPERT1': 'Core',
  'TGT': 'The Grand Tournament',
  'BRM': 'Blackrock Mountain',
  'GANGS': 'Mean Streets of Gadgetzan',
  'HOF': 'Hall of Fame',
  'NAXX': 'Curse of Naxxramas',
  'GVG': 'Goblins vs Gnomes',
  'HERO_SKINS': 'Heros',
  'ICECROWN': 'Knights of the Frozen Throne',
  'KARA': 'One Night in Karazhan',
  'LOE': 'The League of Explorers',
  'LOOTAPALOOZA': 'Kobolds & Catacombs',
  'OG': 'Whispers of the Old Gods',
  'UNGORO': 'Journey to Un\'Goro',
  'GILNEAS': 'The Witchwood'

For Databases:

Get Core Data:
get_decks(mode) and get_cards_info(mode) are used for retrieving the decks and cards game records. Since the records will change along with time, in order to avoid repeating data, a time stamp was set when first retreving.
Get More Details:
For card information, since it is the most stable one (compared with others), I define a class Card and a cache cards_cache.json here. Card has a method to output all attributions as list, in the convenience of giving it to database. Cache is constructed as the reference of collectable card for retrieving images.
In table CardDetail and DeckDetail, also to avoid repeating data, I set the DeckId and CardId as unique, and use INSERT OR IGNORE INTO when update the tables.


To update the deck game records:

python3 --update Decks

To update the card game records:

python3 --update CardsPlay


To play with the app:
Click the rows in tables, and the app will automatically show corresponding figures and details. You can choose multiple rows at the same time.


The previous selections will disappear when you filtering the tables if the selections are not included in the new tables. This limitation comes from dash_table_experiments itself as it is still under development.