
This project aims to construct a face search engine using the techologies of face detection, face feature extraction and information retrieval. We use SeetaFaceEngine and its python API pyseeta to detect and label the faces from a given image, and use FaceNet to extract the features of each face. The search engine is built upon the donkey framework, which receive an uploaded image file and return K most similar faces and their origin images from our dataset.

0. Environment

Operating system

Distributor ID:	Ubuntu
Description:	Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS
Release:	18.04
Codename:	bionic


Just follow the instruction of pyseeta installation: https://github.com/TuXiaokang/pyseeta

FaceNet pre-trained model

The pre-trained model can be downloaded from the following link. The file name need to change and make sure the following file are included in this directory:

Model name LFW accuracy Training dataset Architecture
20180402-114759 0.9965 VGGFace2 Inception ResNet v1

1. Face collection

In order to construct the search engine, the very first thing is to collect the faces, and manage their information in a well-defined file structure. In the final version of our project, we have 1000000 celebrity images in our database (data not shown here for privacy consideration), and the input of these data is a lists structured as [barcode, thumbnail_url, origin_url]. Suppose the barcode is acd8b762, the corresponding directory structure should be:

|-- data
    `-- b7
        `-- 62
            `-- acd8b762
                |-- 0.png
                |-- 1.png
                |-- 2.png
                |-- info
                |-- features.npy

0.png, 1.png, 2.png are the three clipped faces for acd8b762. Info is a binary file that store the face information in a dictionary, and features.npy stores the feature vectors for each clipped face.

    'key': barcode
    'url': origin_url
    'info': {
      'ID': i,                          # face id
      'left': face.left,                # bounding box coordinates
      'right': face.right,
      'top': face.top,
      'bottom': face.bottom,
      'height': image_height,
      'width': image_width,
      'channel': image_channel,
      'score': face.score,              # face score
      'vector': face_feature            # face extracted feature
                                        # When dealing with the data, this will be set as None, because these data are stored in the .npy file                     

face_detect.py is used to detect faces, and generate the clipped face files and info. face_vectorize.py is used to generate the features.npy.

2. Construct search engine

The donkey framework have already compiled in this repository. To construct a new database for the search engine, one needs to run bash reset.sh to reset the database, and open server ./server before insert the data.
In donkey.xml we define the address and port of the server. When changing them in the XML file, the corresponding code in fawn.py should also change.
To insert data, run python3 insertDB.py when the server is open. And searchDB.py is a sample code that show the example of searching similar faces. The similarity is defined as L2 distance. Here is a running example which finds the 5 most similar face:

[{'key': 'data/s0/63/acecs063/0', 'meta': 'https://thumbnail/url/acecs063.jpg', 'details': '', 'score': 0.7011203765869141}, 
 {'key': 'data/30/74/acea3074/4', 'meta': 'https://thumbnail/url/acea3074.jpg', 'details': '', 'score': 0.7307677268981934}, 
 {'key': 'data/03/90/acdv0390/1', 'meta': 'https://thumbnail/url/acdv0390.jpg', 'details': '', 'score': 0.737593948841095}, 
 {'key': 'data/u2/19/acebu219/0', 'meta': 'https://thumbnail/url/acebu219.jpg', 'details': '', 'score': 0.7520275115966797}, 
 {'key': 'data/x8/53/acdhx853/0', 'meta': 'https://thumbnail/url/acdhx853.jpg', 'details': '', 'score': 0.7825058698654175}]