
This tool can send messages at a large number to a facebook friend or to a facebook chat group.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


By using it you can send messages to your facebook friends for unlimited times by writing that message for once.

I am not responsible if your account gets banned for spammy activities, such as sending lots of messages to people you don’t know, sending messages very quickly, sending spammy looking URLs, logging in and out very quickly. Be responsible Facebook citizens.


Make sure you have Python 3 installed on your system 🙃


  1. Download the repository on your system
  2. Extract it
  3. Open Command Prompt/PowerShell on that directory.
  4. Then type cd root
  5. Then type python fbbluster.py
  6. Done! 😉


  1. Type git clone https://github.com/noobSrijon/Facebook-Bluster in the Linux Terminal
  2. Then cd Facebook-Bluster
  3. Then cd root
  4. Then python3 fbbluster.py
  5. Done! 😉


Command Prompt Screen:


Facebook Messanger Screen:



Developed By: noobSrijon