

Primary LanguageJavaScript

An example app to get you started with modern web technologies

Building React apps is hard imo. Its even harder when you start from scratch. Honestly I haven't seen a single successful project using React and some JavaScript backend. There is so much potential here and using JavaScript everywhere is the future (imo). So I built this. Its not quite there yet and it may never get finished but there are a few common features you can use to learn from 😇

Getting started

Make sure you have

  • VSCode
  • Node
  • Yarn
  • Prettier and eslint plugins with linting and formatting set to on save in VSCode
  • .env for both frontend and backend set (ask me if you don't know how to)
  • git
  1. git clone the repo
  2. cd into frontend and do yarn install
  3. make sure you have the .env set and start the server with yarn start
  4. cd into the backend and do a yarn install
  5. migrate the database with yarn migrate
  6. start the server with yarn dev

should be obvious if things didn't work


Stuffs not yet done software takes a long time, built by dozens of highly trained engineers.

  • Linting and formatting for backend
  • Add standard services such as emails, Google Maps, Scheduled jobs, Sentry
  • Cypress e2e tests
  • jest frontend tests
  • configure prisma.schema db sources better

Services used

  • Auth0
  • Pusher