Steps to attempt the assignment:

  1. For this repository, and then follow the remaining steps with your forked repo.

  2. Clone the repository

git clone<yourusername>/JS_Assignment_Elite_1.0.git
  1. Move into the directory
  1. Add dependency
npm install
  1. Run tests
npm test
  1. The problem statems are in the problems folder, each file names as questionx.js contains a comment defining the problem and then a function that you're expected to implement. Make sure you donot change the signature of the function otherwise the tests won't pass. You can make any helper method if you want. Please follow the return type of the functions specifically to make sure you submit them.

  2. Once you run npm test and all tests pass, you can fork the repository and raise a PR for it.

  3. While raising a PR, you might be asked to raise an approval for workflow, do raise it and we will approve it in next 24 HRS. If all of your unit tests pass then only the workflow will pass properly else it will fail.

  4. We won't be mergin a PR but your PR will be used to mark your assignment submission.