
Tutorial about how to install and use selenium on termux android.


  • This tutorial provides instructions on how to install and use Selenium on Termux for Android.



  • Choose the installation option you prefer.

    Uninstall the current Termux and download/install the latest version.
    • Uninstall the current Termux app.
    • Install the new Termux app downloaded from F-Droid.
    • Open the Termux app.
    Keep my current Termux version and follow your instructions for installation.
    • Open the Termux app.
  • Run termux-setup-storage.

  • Reopen the Termux app.

  • Run yes | pkg update -y && yes | pkg upgrade -y.

  • Run pip install selenium==4.9.1 (PLEASE MAKE SURE YOUR SELENIUM VERSION <= 4.9.1, since version 4.9.1 selenium has updated its code to automatically locate the ChromeDriver, which will raise exception when you run on android).


  • There are many types of selenium, the choice depends on your specific needs or requirements.

    Using Selenium with a Headless Desktop WebDriver.
    • Advantages: Instead of complex installations, just use the 'pkg' command.
    • Disadvantages: This does not have a GUI or 'graphical user interface'.
    • Chrome

      Required Libraries

      yes | pkg install x11-repo -y
      yes | pkg install tur-repo -y
      yes | pkg install chromium -y

      Example Chrome Headless

      from selenium import webdriver
      options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
      driver = webdriver.Chrome(options=options)
    • Firefox

      Required Libraries

      yes | pkg install x11-repo -y
      yes | pkg install firefox -y
      yes | pkg install geckodriver -y

      Example Firefox Headless

      from selenium import webdriver
      options = webdriver.FirefoxOptions()
      driver = webdriver.Firefox(options=options)
    Using Selenium with a Non-Headless Desktop WebDriver.
    • Advantages: Why 'Desktop'? Just try it, you will know why, this install only need to download a few additional things, it's not difficult at all.

    • Disadvantages: However, this still doesn't reach my goal. If you need to use Selenium to control Chrome or Firefox (Android), please follow the instructions below.

    • Install VNC Server.
      • Run curl -sLf https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Yisus7u7/termux-desktop-xfce/main/boostrap.sh | bash.
      • At the end of installation, you will receive notice to input password, remember this password if you want login VNC Viewer from CH Play.
      • Start the VNC server by typing vncserver -listen tcp, for first time you will see it show something like New 'localhost:1 ()' desktop is localhost:1, then localhost:1 is your display ip address.
      • You can download VNC Viewer from CH Play to view your webdriver, just use localhost:1 as the ip address.
    • Chrome

      Required Libraries

      yes | pkg install x11-repo -y
      yes | pkg install tur-repo -y
      yes | pkg install chromium -y

      Example Non-headless Chrome

      from selenium import webdriver
      options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
      options.add_argument("--display=:1") # localhost:1 -> display ID = 1
      driver = webdriver.Chrome(options=options)
    • Firefox

      Required Libraries

      yes | pkg install x11-repo -y
      yes | pkg install firefox -y
      yes | pkg install geckodriver -y

      Example Non-headless Firefox

      from selenium import webdriver
      options = webdriver.FirefoxOptions()
      options.add_argument("--display=:1") # localhost:1 -> display ID = 1
      driver = webdriver.Firefox(options=options)
    Using Selenium with a Non-Headless Android WebDriver (adb required).

    Required Libraries

    yes | pkg install wget -y
    cd $HOME
    wget https://github.com/Lzhiyong/termux-ndk/releases/download/android-sdk/android-sdk-aarch64.zip
    unzip android-sdk-aarch64.zip -d android-sdk
    rm -r android-sdk-aarch64.zip
    echo "export ANDROID_HOME=$HOME/android-sdk" >> $HOME/.bashrc
    echo "export PATH=$PATH:$ANDROID_HOME/tools:$ANDROID_HOME/tools/bin:$ANDROID_HOME/platform-tools" >> $HOME/.bashrc
    • After that, close Termux and open it again (Make sure you killed all sessions).

    Enable ADB Server

    • First (very important), you need to enable adb server, there is 3 ways to do that.

      I have a rooted device.
      • Then this will be easy, run this command, you dont need PC/Laptop to enable adb server.

        su -c stop adbd && su -c start adbd
        su -c setprop service.adb.tcp.port 5555
      I have an Android phone running Android 11 and above.
      • From android 11 you dont need PC/Laptop to enable adb server on android. Watch this video for how to enable adb server on android 11 and above.
      • Then run adb devices.
      • Then continue run adb tcpip 5555.
      I have PC/Laptop
      • Go to your phone Settings.

      • Find Developer Mode.

      • Enable Developer Mode.

      • Follow me this step.



      • If your device doesn't match or is not similar to my phone, then try this solution.

      • Connect your phone to PC/Laptop using a USB cable.

      • On PC/Laptop, open the shell with administrator privileges.

      • Next, you need to install Choco (This is a very easy way to install adb).

      • Run Get-ExecutionPolicy.

      • If it returns Restricted, then run Set-ExecutionPolicy AllSigned or Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process.

      • Run Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://community.chocolatey.org/install.ps1')).

      • After installing Choco, run choco install adb.

      • Open the command prompt on PC/Laptop, run adb devices.

      • Then continue run adb tcpip 5555.

      • ** And run this (I don't know if it's very important or not, but my Oppo phone needs this to run successfully) to allow termux write secure settings adb shell pm grant com.termux android.permission.WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS.

      • From now on, you can unplug the USB cable connecting to the PC/Laptop.


    • Make sure you have enabled the adb server.
    • Open Termux.
    • Run adb kill-server.
    • Then run adb devices.
    • image
    • Make sure you only see emulator-5554 in the list.


    • If you turn off or restart your device, you must enable adb server again.
    • If you close termux app and open again, you need to active adb server by run adb devices.


    • Download link (current selenium only support chromium <= 110).

    • Or use this link for fast download.

      import os
      os.system("adb devices")
      from selenium import webdriver
      options = webdriver.ChromeOptions()
      options.add_experimental_option("androidPackage", "org.chromium.chrome.stable")
      driver = webdriver.Chrome(options=options)
      print("Page title:", driver.title)
    Error Handling Solution.
    • Missing java library:
      • This indicates that you need to install Java.
      • Step
        cd $HOME
        wget https://github.com/lzhiyong/termux-ndk/releases/download/openjdk/openjdk-11.0.12-aarch64.zip
        unzip openjdk-11.0.12-aarch64.zip -d openjdk-11.0.12
        rm -r openjdk-11.0.12-aarch64.zip
        echo "export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/openjdk-11.0.12/bin" >> $HOME/.bashrc
        echo "export JAVA_HOME=$HOME/openjdk-11.0.12" >> $HOME/.bashrc
