Create local Kubernetes clusters using Docker container "nodes" with kind
Or you can install each component individually
Script creates:
- client.key
- client.crt
- client.pfx
- cluster-ca.crt
Install k8s dashboard
Script creates file with admin-user token
- dashboard-admin-token.txt
In terminal
# kill kubectl proxy if already running
pkill -9 -f "kubectl proxy"
# start new kubectl proxy
kubectl proxy –address=’′ –accept-hosts=’^*$’ &
# copy admin-user token to the clipboard
cat ./dashboard-admin-token.txt | xclip -i
# open dashboard
xdg-open "http://localhost:8001/api/v1/namespaces/kubernetes-dashboard/services/https:kubernetes-dashboard:/proxy/" &
In Dashboard UI select "Token' and Ctrl+V