

Primary LanguagePHP


There is currently a live demo available at : http://musti.keepthis4.me


Make sure you replace the credentials in init.php with yours, so queries can work.

$link = mysqli_connect('host', 'username', 'passsword', 'database');


$host = 'host';
$username = 'username';
$password = 'password';
$database = 'database';
$link = mysqli_connect($host, $username, $password, $database);


New users will have their directory named after their username in the directory users.

├── .htaccess
└── johndoe
    ├── corgi.jpg
    └── Sujet_Filer.pdf

To try the platform, you can log in with the following credentials :

username : johndoe

password : corgibutt

Otherwise, you can simply create a new account by registering.

Directories access

in the directory users/ there is a .htaccess (Apache) that will prevent any user, logged in or not to download or display in the browser any file that doesn't belong to him. It will return a 403 Forbiden error instead.

Password resetting with mail

Passwords can be reset thanks to the library Phpmailer. You shouldn't have to install it, as I inserted everything required in this repository. However, if you need to install it, do it at the root of the repository by using the command composer require phpmailer/phpmailer

Edit your credentials in the lostpassword.php file to put yours, so it will work with your email address. Otherwise, it should work with mine for the moment.