
Primary LanguagePHPThe UnlicenseUnlicense

Twttr project

Louis Loiseau-Billon & Neil Richter


  1. Run composer install && npm install to install the dependencies.
  2. Run cp config/parameters.yml.dist config/parameters.yml and replace the credentials to connect to the database with yours.
  3. Upload the database model onto your server to store the users, and all the informations that need to be stored to run this app.
  4. Set a vhost with this app folder for document root to allow the router to work. The homepage must be http(s)://domain.xzy/.


Register and login on /register and /login. Your own profile is available at /profile. For any other user, the path to their profile will be /profile/{username}. Their profile can also be reached by clicking on a twtt's author username, or on the user's profile picture.

Twtts can be written on any page, from the header. It will open a modal that will twtt asynchronously.

RT & Favs

Rtwtts and Favs are made asynchronously too, and their state might change whether you have rtwtted/faved the twtt or not.