Generate a MS Word document based on a template document using Kodyfire cli
🏠 Homepage
word-kodyfire requires the kodyfire-cli to be installed
npm install -g kodyfire-cli
npm install word-kodyfire
In order to generate your artifacts, run the generate
command. The syntax is kody generate|g [kody] [concept]
. If you ommit kody
and concept
the assistant will prompt you to select them. As an example, run the following command from your terminal:
kody generate word concept
Refer to the kodyfire generate your artifact section. Once your project is initialized and ready for kody, run the following command to generate your README.
kody run -s kody-word.json
👤 Anis Marrouchi
- Website:
- Twitter: @anis_marrouchi
- GitHub: @anis-marrouchi
- LinkedIn: @marrouchi
Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!
Feel free to check issues page.
Give a ⭐️ if this project helped you!
word-kodyfire uses ocxtemplater by open-xml-templating
Copyright © 2022 Anis Marrouchi.
This project is MIT licensed.
This README was generated with ❤️ by readme-kodyfire