
Through the application, you can register, enter and browse all publications, and it contains the feature of publishing a video, image or file, and the publication contains a hashtag , and you can like the publication or write a comment on the publication, and the application contains the Dark Mode feature, and the account settings can be changed, and Archaeological landmarks in Jerusalem and the details of these monuments.

Primary LanguageKotlin



Through the application, you can register, enter and browse all publications, and it contains the feature of publishing a video, image or file, and the publication contains a hashtag , and you can like the publication or write a comment on the publication, and the application contains the Dark Mode feature, and the account settings can be changed, and Archaeological landmarks in Jerusalem and the details of these monuments.


✨ Features Project Android:

  • 100% Kotlin
  • Dagger Hilt
  • MVVM architecture
  • Android architecture components
  • Navigation Jetpack
  • Single activity
  • dataBinding
  • Coroutines
  • LiveData
  • Firebase