Pothole Detection || Pothole Detection using python and yolov8

Steps to run Code

  • Clone the repository.
git clone https://github.com/noorkhokhar99/Pothole-Detection-Pothole-Detection-using-python-and-deep-learning.git
  • Goto the cloned folder.
cd Pothole-Detection-Pothole-Detection-using-python-and-deep-learning

  • Upgrade pip with the mentioned command below.
pip install --upgrade pip
  • Install requirements with the mentioned command below.
pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Run the code with the mentioned command below.

  • Run for webcam

python test.py

python predict.py model=y8best.pt source="demo.mp4" show=True

python predict.py model=y8best.pt source=0 show=True

download weight: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1T1h2WH3_wrNb0foJuDw8w33Br_2kZjnS?usp=share_link

Inference on a video:
