
base ABCI application using tendermint and tower-abci

Primary LanguageRust



  • rust 1.68
  • go 1.18+


Install tendermint

git clone https://github.com/tendermint/tendermint.git
cd tendermint
git checkout release/v0.37.1
make install

Optional: install abci-cli for a bit of CLI testing

In the tendermint/ dir:

make install_abci

Build and start the application

In abci-app-rs/:

cargo build

Query the app for info

$ abci-cli info
I[2023-05-16|16:53:56.786] service start                                module=abci-client msg="Starting socketClient service" impl=socketClient
-> code: OK
-> data: base_app
-> data.hex: 0x626173655F617070

Start the tendermint node

tendermint node