
"Le petit chat n'est pas mort", punkfloyd's demo on SuperGrafx for Alchimie 2011 (http://pouet.net/prod.php?which=58065)

Primary LanguageAssembly

Le petit chat n'est pas mort (pouet.net link)

This demo was punkfloyd's second production, released on SuperGrafx at alchimie 2011. You can build it using pceas by issuing the following command:

pceas demo.asm

You can then load the generated demo.pce into mednafen, your other emulator of choice, or even the real hardware :)
⚠️ Don't forget to turn on SuperGrafx emulation before running the demo.
For mednafen, open the configuration file and find the line containing pce.forcesgx and modify it so it looks like this:
pce.forcesgx 1

History of the demo

A few days after releasing Shipping is a feature's final version, I started working on this production. It's a small prod, just a repro of the infamous nyan cat on the SuperGrafx. It actually started as a PC Engine project, but after a while we realized that we wouldn't have enough sprites to display the cat at the size we wanted on PC Engine, so we switched to SuperGrafx.
No crazy story about this prod, it was a good way for me to get acquainted with the SuperGrafx (which is exaaaactly the same as a PC Engine, turns out, although it has 2 graphic chips instead of one, but they work exactly the same as on PC Engine) and use the dual-DAC trick to get to play a gigantic 8-bit sample.

This time we came to the party with our prod already prepared and polished, which is actually kind of a drag because you can easily get bored while your friends are all working to finish their prods. There's a balance to find between coming with a half-finished demo and coming with an already done, I guess :)