
A port of the Mirf library to Raspberry Pi. The library provides basic control of the Nordic NRF24l01 RF Transceiver.

Primary LanguageC++


A port of the Mirf library to Raspberry Pi. The library provides basic control of the Nordic NRF24l01 RF Transceiver.

I updated this.
* Change the file name of the device.
* Replaced SPI transfer function.
* Add example.


I tested on this environment:

  • Raspberry Pi
$ uname -a
Linux raspberrypi 4.19.66+ #1253 Thu Aug 15 11:37:30 BST 2019 armv6l GNU/Linux
  • Orangepi PC
$ uname -a
Linux orangepipc 4.19.62-sunxi #5.92 SMP Wed Jul 31 22:07:23 CEST 2019 armv7l GNU/Linux


nRF24L01 Raspberry Pi
MISO -- Pin#21(SPI MISO)
SCK -- Pin#23(SPI SCLK)
MOSI -- Pin#19(SPI MOSI)
CE -- Pin#22(GPIO25)(*)
CSN -- Pin#24(GPIO8)(*)
VCC -- 3.3V

*You can change any pin.

Mirf.cePin=XX;  // GPIOXX
Mirf.csnPin=YY; // GPIOYY

Library Install

git clone https://github.com/nopnop2002/Raspberry-Mirf
cd Raspberry-Mirf
sudo make install

Example Build

make example


sudo ./transmitter


sudo ./receiver

Orangepi PC support

  • Wirering
nRF24L01 OrangePi PC
MISO -- Pin#21(SPI MISO)
SCK -- Pin#23(SPI SCLK)
MOSI -- Pin#19(SPI MOSI)
CE -- Pin#22(GPIO2)(*)
CSN -- Pin#24(GPIO67)(*)
VCC -- 3.3V

*You can change any pin.

  • Library Install
git clone https://github.com/nopnop2002/Raspberry-Mirf
cd Raspberry-Mirf
cp Makefile.opi Makefile
sudo make install
  • Change source
    Disable Raspberry Pi and Enable OrangePi PC
// Raspberry pi
#if 1
    Nrf24l Mirf = Nrf24l("/dev/spidev0.1", 4000000);
    Mirf.cePin=25; // GPIO25
    Mirf.csnPin=8; // GPIO8

//OrangePi PC
#if 0
    Nrf24l Mirf = Nrf24l("/dev/spidev0.0", 4000000);
    Mirf.cePin=2;   // GPIO2
    Mirf.csnPin=67; // GPIO67

Communicat with Arduino

I used this library on Arduino.

  • from Raspberry to Arduino:
    Raspberry side:transmitter
    Arduino side:Receiver

  • from Arduino to Raspberry:
    Raspberry side:receiver
    Arduino side:Emitter

Communicat with esp-idf(esp32)

I used this library on esp-idf.


When changing the settings of the nRF24L01, it is necessary to power cycle the nRF24L01 before executing.
Because nRF24L01 remembers the previous setting.
nRF24L01 does not have Software Reset function.