
esp8266 mqtt uart bridge

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


esp8266 mqtt uart bridge.

  • Convert from UART output to MQTT publish.

  • Convert from MQTT subscribe to UART input.


You can monitor ESP8266 using Serial1.
Serial1 outputs to GPIO2

How to disable ESP8266 boot messages

ESP8266 boot rom writes a log to the UART when booting like this:

ets Jan  8 2014,rst cause 1, boot mode:(3,7)

load 0x40100000, len 24236, room 16
tail 12
chksum 0xb7
ho 0 tail 12 room 4
load 0x3ffe8000, len 3008, room 12
tail 4
chksum 0x2c
load 0x3ffe8bc0, len 4816, room 4
tail 12
chksum 0x46
csum 0x46

This message can cause unexpected trouble.


UART can be swapped by adding the following one line:


TX / RX changes to the following when UART is swapped.

GPIO15(TXD)   --- RX
GPIO13(RXD)   --- TX

The boot message does not reach RX port of other side.
However, since GPIO15 is a pin that determines the boot mode, ESP8266 does not start.
This method cannot be used.

Add a circuit

If the following circuit is added, All message does not reach RX port of other side.
I used 1N5819 Schottky Barrier Plastic Rectifier.


To start transmission, set the GPIO polarity to OUTPUT and the level to LOW.

pinMode(GPIO, OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(GPIO, LOW);

NOTE:GPIO15 is pulled down and cannot be used for this.



You need to adjust the following environment.

  • #define MQTT_SERVER "broker.emqx.io"
    IP of MQTT Broker
  • #define MQTT_PORT 1883
    Port of MQTT Broker
  • #define MQTT_TOPIC "/esp-bridge"
    Subscribe topic
  • #define MQTT_WILL_TOPIC "/esp-bridge"
    Will topic
  • #define MQTT_WILL_MSG "I am leaving..."
    Will message
  • #define UART_BAUDRATE 115200
    UART boudrate
  • const char* ssid = "SSID of Your AP";
    SSID of your Access Point
  • const char* password = "PASSWORD of Your AP";
    Password of your Access Point

Publish using mosquitto-clients

$ mosquitto_pub -h broker.emqx.io -p 1883 -t "/esp-bridge" -m "Hello World"



You need to adjust the following environment.

  • #define MQTT_SERVER "broker.emqx.io"
    IP of MQTT Broker
  • #define MQTT_PORT 1883
    Port of MQTT Broker
  • #define MQTT_TOPIC "/esp-bridge"
    Publish topic
  • #define MQTT_WILL_TOPIC "/esp-bridge"
    Will topic
  • #define MQTT_WILL_MSG "I am leaving..."
    Will message
  • #define UART_BAUDRATE 115200
    UART boudrate
  • const char* ssid = "SSID of Your AP";
    SSID of your Access Point
  • const char* password = "PASSWORD of Your AP";
    Password of your Access Point

Subscribe using mosquitto-clients

$ mosquitto_sub -v -h broker.emqx.io -p 1883  -t "/esp-bridge"