A pure Swift Client implementing the MySQL protocol. this is not depend on libmysql.
- Thread safe
- Pooling connections
- Prepared statements
- Transactions
- JSON Data Type in MySQL 5.7
- Streaming query rows
- Non-Blocking Querying
let package = Package(
name: "MyApp",
dependencies: [
.package(url: "https://github.com/noppoMan/SwiftMysql.git", .upToNextMajor(from: "0.1.0"))
let url = URL(string: "mysql://localhost:3306")
let con = try Connection(url: url!, user: "root", password: "password", database: "swift_mysql")
let result = try con.query("selct * from users")
if let rows = result.asRows() {
for row in rows {
print(row) // ["id": 1, "name": "Luke", "email": "test@example.com"]
You can easy to use prepared statement as following.
let url = URL(string: "mysql://localhost:3306")
let con = try Connection(url: url!, user: "root", password: "password", database: "swift_mysql")
let result = try con.query("selct * from books where published_at > ? and category_id = ?", [2017, 3])
if let rows = result.asRows() {
for row in rs {
Rather than creating and managing connections one-by-one, this module also provides built-in connection pooling using ConnectionPool(url:user:database:minPoolSize:maxPoolSize)
let pool = try ConnectionPool(
url: URL(string: "mysql://localhost:3306")!,
user: "root",
database: "swift_mysql",
minPoolSize: 3,
maxPoolSize: 10
try pool.query("select * from users") // the connection is released after finishing query.
will be thrown when the number of connections that are used in internally reaches maxPoolSize
, and then query
is called. But It's recoverable, all developers can retry to perform query
as like following.
do {
try pool.query("select * from users")
} catch ConnectionPoolError.failedToGetConnectionFromPool {
// may need to wait a moment...
// try again.
try pool.query("select * from users")
Simple transaction support is available at the connection level
If the program that in transaction block is finished without throwing error, transaction should be committed automatically.
try con.transaction {
$0.query("insert into users (name, email), value (\"Foo\", \"foo@example.com\")")
if the error is thrown in transaction block, rollback
should be performed.
try con.transaction {
throw FooError
Sometimes you may want to select large quantities of rows and process each of them as they are received. This can be done like this
let result = try con.query("selct * from large_tables")
if let resultFetcher = result.asResultSet() {
print(resultFetcher.columns) // [String]
// resultFetcher.rows is a infinity Sequence
// you can loop it until the Mysql sends EOF packet.
for row in resultFetcher.rows {
once call close
method, the Mysql connection is terminated safely.
try con.close()
SwiftMysql supports Non-Blocking querying with AsyncConnection
. Non-Blocking means event-driven non-blocking I/O using OS native asynchronous system calls (epoll/kqueue). It doesn't concurrent execution by worker threads.
Currently all of non-blocking features are not thread safe. So you should use them on the single thread.
You can asynchronously connect to the mysql with AsyncConnection(url:user:password:database:queue)
Once call initializer of AsyncConnection
, connection is automatically opened on a specified thread(queue). Then, all of your operations(query) are queued and processed in order.
The thread will create event loop on the own thread to observe the file descriptor of the connection.
import Foundation
import SwiftMysql
let url = URL(string: "mysql://localhost:3306")!
let con = try SwiftMysql.AsyncConnection(
url: url,
user: "root",
password: nil,
database: "swift_mysql"
con.onConnect {
print("connected to \(url)")
con.onError { error in
print("Error: \(error)")
con.query("select * from users where id = 1") { result in
if let error = result.asError() {
result.asRows {
print($0) // [["id": 1, "name": "Jack....]]
con.query("select * from users where id = 2") { result in
if let error = result.asError() {
result.asRows {
print($0) // [["id": 2, "name": "Tonny....]]
If you didn't care the thread for running event loop, it's automatically determined by DispatchQueue(attributes: .serial)
Or you can provide it by queue
label of initializer like following.
let url = URL(string: "mysql://localhost:3306")!
let con = try SwiftMysql.AsyncConnection(
url: url,
user: "root",
password: nil,
database: "swift_mysql",
queue: DispatchQueue.main
con.connect {
print(Thread.current == Thread.main) // true
con.query("...") { _ in
print(Thread.current == Thread.main) // true
You can improve memory efficiency for fetching records to use ResultSetEvent
provides two methods to fetch fields and rows streamly.
: onFields is called when the all fields packets are received.onRow
: onRow is called when the per row packets are received.
con.query("select * from users limit ?", bindParams: [100]) { result in
let rs = result.asResultSet() // get ResultSetEvent
rs.onFields { fields in
print(fields) // ["id", "name", "age"...]
event.onRow { row in
print(row) // [[1, "Jack", 35...]]
Also you can use pooling connections for non-blocking querying with AsyncConnectionPool
. The usage is roughly same as sync version. The number of connections using at the same time are reached maxPoolSize
, the next query queue should wait for a connection is available.
let pool = try AsyncConnectionPool(
url: url,
user: "root",
database: "swift_mysql",
minPoolSize: 2,
maxPoolSize: 10
pool.onReady {
print("The initial connections are ready")
pool.onNewConnectionIsReady {
print("new Connection is ready")
// Uses a existing connection
pool.query("select * from users where id = ?", bindParams: [1]) { result in
// connection will be released automatically,
// when the all of packets of this query are received.
// Uses a existing connection
pool.query("select * from users where id = ?", bindParams: [2]) { result in
// May create a new connection asynchronously.
// Depends on the timing of first query finished.
pool.query("select * from users where id = ?", bindParams: [3]) { result in
pool.transaction { error, con in
con?.query("insert into ....") { result in
if let error = result.asError() {
con?.rollback { _ in
con?.query("update users set name = ....") { result in
if let error = result.asError() {
con?.rollback { _ in
con?.commit { _ in
SwiftMysql is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.