A Gradle Plugin to send Releases to Github
This plugin is not endorsed by Github.
This plugin uses OkHttp to send a POST requests to the github api that creates a release and uploads specified assets.
- Address #21 & #23. Multiple assets were being mistakenly uploaded with the same name.
- Address #22. Remove deprecated gradle api call for list property.
- Address #20. Change minimum supported version for Gradle to 4.10+ down from 5.x
- Address #19. Replaced mime type detector with Apache Tika.
- Address #14 with new property
- Removed unnecessary urls in logging
- Address #17 by setting default values elsewhere
- Address #16 by applying changes as suggested
- Changed
as per #11
- Updated for Gradle 5.x
- new option
- Build with Java 8 Fix #4
- Fix #5
- Added more detailed information in wiki
- This will no longer delete existing releases by default and must be specified with
overwrite = true
- Added ability to use username and password as shown here
Build script snippet for use in all Gradle versions:
buildscript {
repositories {
maven {
url "https://plugins.gradle.org/m2/"
dependencies {
classpath "gradle.plugin.com.github.breadmoirai:github-release:2.2.1"
apply plugin: "com.github.breadmoirai.github-release"
Build script snippet for new, incubating, plugin mechanism introduced in Gradle 2.1:
plugins {
id "com.github.breadmoirai.github-release" version "2.2.1"
githubRelease {
token "your token"// This is your personal access token with Repo permissions
// You get this from your user settings > developer settings
// If this value is not set, a login dialog will prompt you for your credentials.
// 2fa is not supported
owner "breadmoirai" // default is the last part of your group. Eg group: "com.github.breadmoirai" => owner: "breadmoirai"
repo "github-release" // by default this is set to your project name
tagName "v1.0.0" // by default this is set to "v${project.version}"
targetCommitish "master" // by default this is set to "master"
releaseName "v1.0.0" // Release title, by default this is the same as the tagName
body "" // by default this is empty
draft false // by default this is false
prerelease false // by default this is false
releaseAssets jar.destinationDir.listFiles // this points to which files you want to upload as assets with your release
override true // by default false; if set to true, will delete an existing release with the same tag and name
apiEndpoint "https://api.github.com" // should only change for github enterprise users
For additional info on these fields please see the Github API specification.
All properties except releaseAssets support using a closure to defer evaluation.
body {
//do something intensive
return "wow"
By default, we provide a changelog when the body is not set via git commands. You can also customize it and or use it manually
body changelog {
currentCommit "HEAD"
lastCommit "HEAD~10"
options(["--format=oneline", "--abbrev-commit", "--max-count=50", "graph"])
body { """\
# Info
## ChangeLog
${changelog().call().replace('\n', '\n* ')}
""" }
You can store your token in a gradle.properties located in either USER/.gradle
or in the project directory and then retrieve it with getProperty('github.token')
You can avoid removing irrelevant files from your selected directory each time you publish a release by using a filter. For Example
FilenameFilter filter = { dir, filename -> filename.contains(project.version) }
releaseAssets = jar.destinationDir.listFiles filter