PirateBox Node.js server - original idea by David Darts - http://wiki.daviddarts.com/PirateBox reimplemented by crypto.scythe (crypto.scythe@gmail.com) changelog: v0.8 small optimizations v0.7 working chat implemented v0.6 outsourced configuration and templates v0.5 code changes for debugging. v0.4 files in transfer from the system temp directory are not shown in file list and are not downloadable until they are finished v0.3 implemented force download instead of viewing in browser v0.2 moved duplicate calls to separate functions compatibility: tested with Node.js version 0.4.2 running on OS X 10.6 and FreeBSD 8.2 the following NPM modules are needed for this to work: information for installing & using NPM - Node Package Manager - http://npmjs.org formidable mime url forever -> only for running the script continuously installation instructions: (these are for FreeBSD but should be easily adaptable to other unixoid OSes) 1. install Node.js, you can find it in ports/www/node compile it # make install clean 2. install Node Package Manager from www.npmjs.org the easiest ways is # curl http://npmjs.org/install.sh | sh 3. install the needed Node.js packages # npm install formidable # npm install mime # npm install url # npm install forever 4. move piratebox.js and its folders to where you want it go the the folder you extracted it and # mkdir /var/piratebox # mv * /var/piratebox 5. configure the piratebox script to use the folders you have chosen open the piratebox.js in your favorite plaintext editor and change the values of "pbUPLOADDIRECTORY" and "pbWEBROOT" to the folders you created. 6. now you can start the piratebox to start it normal # node piratebox.js to start it with automatic restarting: # forever piratebox.js 7. The piratebox should run now at port 80 check the piratebox-config.js file for more configuration options