
We know our pets love to be active and sometimes play on the streetsπŸ’–πŸΆ, normally when they are exploring the enviroment get lost😞. Pet Finder is commited to help you find your best friend as soon as possible.πŸ”πŸ˜»

Primary LanguageJavaScript

We know our pets love to be active and sometimes play on the streetsπŸ’–πŸΆ, normally when they are exploring the enviroment get lost😞. Pet Finder is commited to help you find your best friend as soon as possible.πŸ”πŸ˜»

You can check out our webpage here:

βœ” Requirements πŸ“‹

1 - You will have to create a .env in Front and Back folders

2 - You will have to create you own database in Mongo website

3 - You will have to create you own account for nodeMailer

4 - You will have to create you own account for Cloudinary

5 - You will have to create you own account for Google Maps

6 - Install the dependencies with npm install at Back and Front folders

7 - Run the server with npm run dev (development) or npm start (production)

Back .env
PORT = Number of the port where you wanna run api (ex. 4000).
DB = For Db in MongoDB.
SECRET_KEY : Is the secret key used for JWT.
BASE_URL = localhost of you api ( ex. http://localhost:5173).
EMAIL_PASSWORD = The Password of the email used in Nodemailer.
EMAIL_API = The email there you want to use in Nodemailer.
Front .env
VITE_APP_ID_CLIENT_GOOGLE = For use Login with Google.
VITE_APP_GMAPS_API_KEY = For use Google Maps Api.

VITE_APP_MAILCHIMP_URL = For use mailchimp for send newsletter email.

VITE_APP_PRESET_USER = preset to upload user photos in cloudinary.
VITE_APP_PRESET_PRODUCTS = preset to upload products photos in cloudinary.
VITE_APP_PRESET_ADOPT_PETS= preset to upload pets photos in cloudinary.

VITE_APP_CLOUDNAME = name of your cloudinary.

VITE_APP_API_ROUTE = Localhost of you api ( ex. http://localhost:4000).

βœ” Backend

πŸ‘‰πŸ» Task List βœ…

  • Development of Rest Api for Lost and Found pets with NodeJs, TypeScript and Express.
  • Validations with Express Validator.
  • MongoDb Database.
  • Creating filters with Mongoose and regular expressions.
  • Users validation wiith JWT and Google.
  • Sending emails with Nodemailer for contact, welcome and password recovery.
  • Signing up subscribers for Newsletter with Mailchimp.
  • Deployed on Heroku

πŸ‘‰πŸ» Built with πŸ› οΈ

NodeJS Express.js TypeScript MongoDB Mongoose JWT Mailchimp Nodemailer Heroku

πŸ‘‰πŸ» Developers

Yamila Paez Nora Saucedo

βœ” Frontend

πŸ‘‰πŸ» Task List βœ…

  • Development of the view through dynamic components with Javascript and React.
  • Adding style with Material UI components, tables and elements.
  • Creating the linked routes of the page using React Router.
  • Formik, Yup, Axios and Redux to control and submit form data.
  • Using Google Oauth API as Login alternative.
  • Using Google Maps API to show dinamical maps and Location Autocomplete.
  • obtaining and uploading images of pets with Cloudinary.
  • Visual and attractive animations added with Framer Motion.
  • Deployed on Vercel.

πŸ‘‰πŸ» Built with πŸ› οΈ

JavaScript React Redux MUI Framer Motion Formik Yup React Router Google Maps Api Vercel

πŸ‘‰πŸ» Developers

Jeyther Yriza Daniel Albanez Saira Arteaga Francisco Rey LuMi

βœ” UI/UX

πŸ‘‰πŸ» Built with πŸ› οΈ

Figma Cloudinary

πŸ‘‰πŸ» Designer

Andres Fuentes

πŸ‘‰πŸ» Team Leader

Alejandro Cardenas
