
Primary LanguageRuby






  1. 使用者可以隨時收到伺服器的訊息,並且看到更新後的瀏覽器畫面。
  2. 使用 Pub/Sub 模式
  3. 每個瀏覽器會訂閱遊戲房間的訊息。
  4. 遊戲房間的訊息會包含遊戲的狀態,例如:遊戲開始、遊戲結束、玩家行動等。
  5. 當遊戲房間的訊息有更新時,會發送給所有訂閱的瀏覽器。
  6. 瀏覽器收到訊息後,會更新畫面。
  7. 使用 Rails 的 ActionCable 來實作即時更新。
  8. 一開始使用 Rails 的 View 來實作前端頁面,之後再改成前後端分離的架構。


  • Ruby 3.3.0
  • Rails 7.1.0
  • PostgreSQL
  • Redis (for ActionCable)

This app should be able to:


  • Create a new room (who creates the room will be the owner of the room)
  • Join a specific room
  • Join a random room
  • Leave a room
    • The other player will be the owner of the room
    • The room will be deleted if there is no player in it
  • Enter the game (as a player)
  • Watch the game (as a spectator)
  • Exit the game


  • Prepare the game -> (EVENT) Game is prepared
    • Choose the game size (8x8, 10x10, 12x12)
    • Choose the game mode (vs AI, vs Human)
    • Choose the game time (No time, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, etc.)
    • Choose the first player
      • Random
      • Manual selection
      • By the last loser
      • By the elo rating
  • Start the game -> (EVENT) Game is started
    • Set the game state
      • Board
      • Players
      • Turn
      • Time
  • Player's turn -> (EVENT) Player's turn begins
    • Notify the player
    • Rendering
      • All
        • Highlight the current player
        • Update the timer
      • Current player
        • Highlight the available moves
  • Player action -> (EVENT) Player made an action
    • Validate the action
      • Check if the player is the current player
      • Check if the action is valid
    • Action
      • Pass the turn if no available move (Automated)
      • Pass the turn if the player's time is up (Automated)
      • Put a piece
      • Surrender (Game will end if the player surrenders, or both players can't put a piece)
  • Player turn end -> (EVENT) Player's turn ends
    • If the player surrenders, the game will end
    • If both players can't put a piece, the game will end
    • Else
      • Update the game state
        • Board
        • Players
        • Turn
        • Time
      • Rendering
        • All
          • Update the board
          • Stop the timer
      • Next player's turn begins
  • Game end -> (EVENT) Game is ended
    • Notify the players
    • Update the game state
      • Board
      • Players
      • Turn
      • Time
    • Rendering
      • All
        • Update the board
        • Stop the timer
        • Show the result
    • Save the game result
      • Winner
      • Loser
      • Reason
        • Surrender
        • Score
        • Tie (No winner or loser)
    • Update the player's elo rating
    • Next game preparation
    • Leave the game


  • Anyone in the room can see the game state changes in real-time
  • Use ActionCable for real-time updates
  • Use noticed gem for notifications
  • Use TailwindCSS for styling
  • Use ActionCable for passing the player actions
  • Provide RESTful API for player actions as convenience