
PysimpleGUI project

Primary LanguagePython

🌊⛵ Moby Dick Project ⚓🐋

Pick any programming language of your choice and test-drive creating a list of the top 100 most frequently occurring words (excluding stop words) paired with the count of occurrences of the word, found in the attached text for Herman Melville's book Moby Dick. include a UI element.

Please share your code, including a README, by pushing to your GitHub account and sharing the repository link with us. Please do not squash your commit history as we would like to view your commits to understand how you progressed towards your solution.

To run this:

  • pip install PySimpleGUI

Closing remarks:

I've never created anything with a GUI before. So this was an adventure. Much of PySimpleGUI was definitely simple, but this link is what helped marry my pre-UI code to the script I wrote previously. Also I was able to fix my regular expression problem.