Negated and Misprimed Probes for Pretrained Language Models

LAMA (LAnguage Model Analysis) is a probe for analyzing facutal knowledge caputred by pretrained language models, see the following paper:

  title={Language Models as Knowledge Bases?},
  author={F. Petroni, T. Rockt{\"{a}}schel, A. H. Miller, P. Lewis, A. Bakhtin, Y. Wu and S. Riedel},
  booktitle={In: Proceedings of the 2019 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP), 2019},

    title = "Negated and Misprimed Probes for Pretrained Language Models: Birds Can Talk, But Cannot Fly",
    author = {Kassner, Nora  and
      Sch{\"u}tze, Hinrich},
    booktitle = "Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics",
    month = jul,
    year = "2020",
    address = "Online",
    publisher = "Association for Computational Linguistics",
    url = ""}

This repository extends the original LAMA probe by negated and misprimed probes. The negated probes are integrated into Facebook's original repository the misrpimed data can be downloaded here.

1. Download Scripts

git clone
pip install -r requirements.txt

2. Download the models

~55 GB on disk

Install spacy model

python3 -m spacy download en

Download the models

chmod +x

The script will create and populate a pre-trained_language_models folder. If you are interested in a particular model please edit the script.

3. Negated LAMA

Download the data via Facebook:

tar -xzvf negated_data.tar.gz
rm negated_data.tar.gz

Set the set the flag use_negated_probes in scripts/

4. Misprimed Data

Download the data from this repository:

git clone