
Repo for graph-ryder-dashboard v2

Primary LanguageTypeScript


This project was generated with the Angular Full-Stack Generator version 4.2.2.

Getting Started



  1. Run npm install to install server dependencies.

  2. Run mongod in a separate shell to keep an instance of the MongoDB Daemon running

  3. Run avres-api in a separate shell to keep an instance running

  4. Run gulp serve to start the development server. It should automatically open the client in your browser when ready.

Please refer to the Generator guide and use yeoman cmd to create new content

Build & development

Run gulp build for building and gulp serve for preview.

Launch Graph-ryder full plateform

  1. git clone https://github.com/norbertFeron/avres-dashboard.git

  2. git clone https://github.com/norbertFeron/avres-api.git


  4. import your server.crt and server.key in "certs" folder

  5. Api config file ( in private-graph-ryder-api ):

    • cp config.example.ini config.ini
    • nano config.ini
    • set your neo4j password
  6. docker-compose up ( in avres-dashboard )