GDTF import get wrong SubFixture ID
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when importing a GDTF fixture definition, the SubFixture ID parameters are not correct: they get usually a value between 1 and 3, I've compared them with the software fixture library and they should be 0 as suspected (because they're not multi-element fixtures).
I've just discovered this software and so far I really like it.
Axcor 300 - standard
Rogue R2X wash - 22ch
Right now I've started a new project to learn the software and I've imported these fixture in an empty show, I had the same issue few days ago when I imported an MVR from BlenderDMX, then I thought that the import was still experimental.
I guess it doesn't matter, I'm on linux.
Now I'm not on the software but if I remember right, when there are 2 or more subfixture elements they're numbered 1 + 2 + ... and the other parameters from 0. I've seen it with the mac aura - original.
With 0 it's evident that the parameter is not a subfix and it would be coherent with blinderkitten fixture library.
Anyway from your question I guess that the problem would be that gdtf multi-element fixtures will always start from 0,
so the sub-elements would be numbered 0 + 1 + 2 + ...
If this is the question, it's better to keep the ID 1 to avoid more confusion later: ID 1 will be always the first element for gdtf and blinderkitten fixtures, ID 2 the second element etc etc.