--exit flag causes process always to exit with code 0
esteban-angee opened this issue · 0 comments
esteban-angee commented
I have the following basic test:
describe('Get Settlement Transactions', () => {
it('Should exit with code 1', async () => {
throw Error('An error')
Then I'm running:
serverless invoke test --exit --compilers js:babel-core/register && echo $?
What happened
My test evidently fails but the exit code is always 0
. This is obviously killing my CI setup
First test
1) Should exit with code 1
0 passing (21ms)
1 failing
1) First test
Should exit with code 1:
Error: An error
at _callee$ (test/integration/getSettlementTransactions.js:140:11)
at tryCatch (node_modules/babel-runtime/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:62:40)
at Generator.invoke [as _invoke] (node_modules/babel-runtime/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:296:22)
at Generator.prototype.(anonymous function) [as next] (node_modules/babel-runtime/node_modules/regenerator-runtime/runtime.js:114:21)
at step (node_modules/babel-runtime/helpers/asyncToGenerator.js:17:30)
at node_modules/babel-runtime/helpers/asyncToGenerator.js:35:14
at new Promise (<anonymous>)
at new F (node_modules/core-js/library/modules/_export.js:36:28)
at Context.<anonymous> (node_modules/babel-runtime/helpers/asyncToGenerator.js:14:12)
at process.topLevelDomainCallback (domain.js:121:23)
✨ Done in 2.38s.
What should have happened
Exit code should have been 1
Additional details
MacOS High Sierra
Serverless version:
Plugin version:
Related Issues:
EDIT: If I remove the --exit
flag the exit code is 1