Plugin for Serverless Framework which adds support for test-driven development using Mocha
- 0
serverless-mocha-plugin plugin does not set types (yet) which will be required in serverless v4.0.0
#163 opened by ilanuk - 0
Snyk reports indirect vulnerabilities
#158 opened by fillipe - 0
Not working with typescript and serverless v2
#157 opened by rgarcianat - 5
TypeError: Cannot read property 'handler' of undefined
#143 opened by thg303 - 0
Support for typescript base projects
#149 opened by himharsh1997 - 1
How to run all tests that are in different directories
#140 opened by amimas - 3
- 2
- 0
Timeout of 2000ms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called;
#131 opened by shitallakhe - 1
Support for provider profile
#75 opened by laardee - 0
Support the `.test.js` naming convention
#89 opened by dhm116 - 1
- 2
Is it planned to release v1.12.0 also on npmjs?
#125 opened by agenthala - 1
Release support for Node 12 to npm
#127 opened by garethmcc - 0
Post test script fails to run if tests fail
#128 opened by RichardWright - 2
- 0
Debugging in vs code
#81 opened - 2
Error: Timeout of Xms exceeded. For async tests and hooks, ensure "done()" is called; if returning a Promise, ensure it resolves.
#96 opened by icontreras-pit - 6
Environment variables are not available
#83 opened by frankTurtle - 0
- 1
can't use functionName in template function file
#79 opened by zamirdan - 1
- 2
callback should be optional
#64 opened by brian-traceme - 2
Tests complete but do not exit
#88 opened by laboro18 - 3
Exit code 0 when tests fail
#104 opened by ShaunParsons - 1
- 0
After a faile test, it is shows as passing
#93 opened by jiffify - 3
plugin not found
#90 opened by azarboon - 0
- 0
`--compilers` requires a `:` prefix
#100 opened by c0d3d - 1
nyc with this plugin not generate good output
#118 opened by zodman - 1
sls invoke test -c does not exit.
#115 opened by bartoszgolebiowski - 1
Is this the end?
#113 opened by Enase - 0
Remove warning for nodejs10.x runtime
#110 opened by Enase - 0
Support for bdd-lazy-vars
#109 opened by amitaymolko - 5
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Tests duplicates with multiple files
#102 opened by stgogm - 1
- 0
Mention in the readme that Chai is included with this package and doesn't need to be installed separately
#86 opened by marcospgp - 3
Missing required key 'FunctionName' in params
#82 opened by bryanowen7 - 1
Publish updated version
#85 opened by dhm116 - 1
Code coverage
#74 opened by Enase - 1
- 2
- 0
OpenWhisk support
#70 opened by carlosjac - 1
Tests in TypeScript
#69 opened by carlosjac - 3
How to get stage from test code?
#68 opened by carlosjac - 4
- 2
Add support for the --recursive option
#65 opened by hotgazpacho - 2