
OpenAI Gym environment for Robotics Evolution and Modularity

Primary LanguagePython

Robotics, Evolution and Modularity (REM)

This package implement a modular robotics environment for openai-gym.

Example modular robot


# Import OpenAI Gym
import gym
# Import this package to get access to our environments
import gym_rem
# Import numpy to generate input for robot
import numpy as np

# Create environment for modular locomotion. The goal is to move as far as
# possible for 20 seconds
env = gym.make("ModularLocomotion3D-v0")
# To enable GUI rendering call 'render' once before 'reset'
# Then we need to create our modular robot!
# The following creates a single servo
robot = gym_rem.morph.three.Servo()
# We can easily add modules to this servo
robot += gym_rem.morph.three.Servo()
# Once we are done building the robot we spawn it into the environment through
# the reset functionality
# NOTE: It is important to use 'morphology=robot' or else OpenAI Gym will
# complain
# Then we enter the regular old gym loop
while True:
    # In this example we pass an input consisting of no actions taken
    # Call 'render' to have the GUI updated


Download the package and use pip install, we highly recommend you also create a virtualenv.

$ cd /path/to/gym_rem
$ pip install -U -e .


In the examples folder you can find some useful tools to checkout both performance and inspect individuals. The benchmark example can be run to estimate performance of this package in your compute environment. With the inspect example you can load and inspect morphologies stored using pickle.