
⚠️ RPI prevents the ER-301 from booting up normally, they need to start simultaneously

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⚠️ Connecting the Raspberry PI directly to the ER-301 module or even to the same i2c bus is a source of problems. If the two devices are not started simultaneously, or if the ER-301 is powered on after the RPI, the Raspberry Pi will prevent the ER-301 from starting normally.

(The ER-301 uses the bus for UART during its startup, it pulls the line down => Conflict with the RPI i2c hardware gpio)

To overcome this problem, it is prefereable to create an external circuit including two 4.7k pull-up resistors and use another set of GPIO on the Raspberry for i2c (aka. "Software i2c overlay") rather than the "hardware i2c gpio".

An hardware solution is currently being created.

Considered fixed with Hans hat and a software i2c bus.
No work will be done for the hardware i2c bus.