
CMS based on symfony 1.4

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


Enable the plugins and dependencies in the ProjectConfiguration, note that
the ORM plugin must be the first one :


Tweak the settings.yml of the application with the following settings :

default_culture:        fr
i18n:                   true
js_debug:               false # Add yahoo profiling and other tools to profile and debug javascript.
standard_helpers:       [Cache, Date, I18N, Partial, Text, sfPlop]
enabled_modules:        [default, sfGuardAuth, sfGuardUser, sfPlopCMS, sfAsset, sfAssetGallery]
login_module:           sfPlopCMS
login_action:           signin
secure_module:          sfGuardAuth
secure_action:          secure
error_404_module:       sfPlopCMS
error_404_action:       error404

* run plugins/sfPlopPlugin/config/install.sh
* edit the "config/databases.yml" and "config/propel.ini" to set your settings
* run plugins/sfPlopPlugin/config/build.sh


For your installation, you must copy and remove the ".sample" extension of
the following files :

* config/ProjectConfiguration.class.sample
* apps/frontend/config/frontendConfiguration.class.sample
* apps/frontend/config/app.yml.sample
* apps/frontend/config/settings.yml.sample
* apps/frontend/config/filters.yml.sample
* config/databases.yml.sample
* config/propel.ini.sample
* config/properties.ini.sample

To have default, fixtures, you can use the samples by copying in the
"data/fixtures" directory the following fixtures (use different file names and 
keep the following order, for example you can use number prefixes) :

* plugins/sfGuardPlugin/data/fixtures/fixtures.yml.sample
* plugins/sfGuardProfilePlugin/data/fixtures/fixtures.yml.sample
* plugins/sfPlopPlugin/data/fixtures/fixtures.yml.sample
* plugins/sfAssetsGalleryPlugin/data/fixtures/fixtures.yml.sample

Next, you should execute the following taks :

* ./symfony plugin:publish-assets
* ./symfony project:permissions (maybe requires root privileges)
* ./symfony propel:build-all --no-confirmation
* ./symfony propel:data-load
* ./symfony cc
* ./symfony asset:create-root
* chmod -R 777 ./web/media/

To get your routing working, you can link the "/" url (the homepage) to
"sfPlopCMS" module and "index" action. You can also choose another route
in order to keep your application compatibility.

To deploy on your production instance, the must create 2 copies of the
following files using the suffixes ".local" and ".production" (".preprod"
is also handled) and use the good one once deployed :

* config/database.yml
* config/propel.ini
* web/.htaccess

More info on this sandbox :

* Symfony 1.4
* Propel 1.6
* jQuery 1.6 and jQueryUI 1.8.13
* Aloha Editor 0.10
* HTML5boilerplate

Symfony plugins dependencies :

* sfGuardPlugin
* sfAssetsLibraryPlugin
* sfPropelORMPlugin upgraded to version 1.6