
Easy and fast Python VDF (Valve Data Format) Reader and Writer

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Fast and Easy Python Valve Data File (VDF) Reader and Writer

PyPI versionDownloads

##What is a VDF? A VDF, or Valve Data File, is a file that uses Valve's KeyValues format.

https://developer.valvesoftware.com/wiki/KeyValues#File_Format ###Valve Files that use the KeyValues format

  • .vdf (Valve Data File)
  • .acf (Application Cache File)
  • .vmt (Valve Material Type)
  • Some .cfg (Configuration File), Usually those found in Source Engine bin Folder
  • Some .txt (Text File), Usually those found in Source Engine bin Folder
  • Some .res (Resource File) [NOT YET IMPLMENTED]


Requires PyVDF

$ pip install PyVDF

You will probably have to make vdfedit executable

chmod +x vdfedit

Thats it.

What is vdfedit?

vdfedit is a program that makes use of [PyVDF] 1 to create an easy to use VDF editor.


$ vdfedit -h
usage: vdfedit [-h] [-o FILE] [-p] [-g key] [-s key=value] [-w] [-c]
               [-len int] [-d str] [--indent str] [--spacing str] [--condense]

Read and Write VDF KeyValue Files

positional arguments:
  FILE                  The file to Read

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -o FILE, --out FILE   The file to Write out to Defaults to the infile
  -p, --print           Print the file as groups of Paths.Key=Value
  -g key, --get key     Add a key to Search For
  -s key=value, --set key=value
                        Add/set a key-value pair in the vdf
  -w, --write           Write out the data regardless of setting a value.
  -c, --check           Check the file for validity
  -len int, --token-length int
                        Set the maximum token length. Larger values cause
                        slower searching, however smaller values can result in
                        errors. Defaults to 1200
  -d str, --delim str   Set the string used to separate found values. Defaults
                        to ','
  --indent str          Set the indention used when writing out a file.
                        Defaults to \t
  --spacing str         Set the spacing used when writing out a file. Defaults
                        to \t\t
  --condense, --condensed, --use-condensed
                        Use consensed output when writing a file
  --fast, --faster-reading
                        Use faster reading. **Note** If you write a file while
                        this option is set, your output will not be in the
                        same order as the original file

###Paths Paths are what vdfedit uses to find and retrieve values.

####Reading Paths Without any get or set options, the output will be a list of Keys and Values

Ex. PathHead.NextPath.OneMoreLevel.Key Value

Formatting Keys is a bit tricky Any key that contains a period . must be enclosed by brackets '[',']'

####Getting/Setting Values from Paths

For each path that you want to search, place it after a '-g', after the file name.

$ vdfedit config.vdf -g Store.Software.apps.240.LastPlayed

$ vdfedit config.vdf -gStore.depots.241.CDN.[content1.steampowered.com].Expires

$ vdfedit config.vdf -gStore.Software.apps."218_Black Mesa".LastPlayed

$ vdfedit config.vdf -g Store.system.EnableGameOverlay \
-gStore.system.JumplistSettings \

You can set the seperator between each returned value by setting the '-d' argument

For each value that you want to set, place it and the path to it after a '-s', after the file name.

$ vdfedit config.vdf -s Store.Software.apps.240.LastPlayed=0000000000

If you want to write the new data to a different file, set the '-o' argument.

$ vdfedit config.vdf -o config.new.vdf \
-s Store.Software.apps.240.LastPlayed=0000000000