
Wolfram Language kernel for Jupyter notebooks

Primary LanguageMathematicaMIT LicenseMIT

Wolfram Language kernel for Jupyter notebooks

Jupyter provides a protocol (ZMQ) to connect their notebooks to various languages. This project defines a Wolfram Language kernel which can be used in Jupyter notebooks.


On your machine, you will need:

  • Jupyter
  • Wolfram Engine, i.e., a Wolfram Desktop or Mathematica installation
  • Optional, but recommended: wolframscript


There are two ways to make the Wolfram Language available in Jupyter:

  • Using the wolframscript command line script interpreter
  • Using Wolfram Language commands from the WolframLanguageForJupyter paclet.

Method 1: Using wolframscript

Run the following command to make the Wolfram Language engine available to Jupyter:

configure-jupyter.wls add


  • If the location of the Wolfram Engine changes, you will have to run configure-jupyter.wls again.

  • configure-jupyter.wls gives an error if the Wolfram Engine could not be added.

For more configuration options run:

configure-jupyter.wls help

Method 2: Using Wolfram Language

You can download the latest version of the paclet here:


To install the paclet, run the following command (replacing x, y, and z with the correct values):


To load the paclet, run:


To add the Wolfram Language to Jupyter, run:


To specify a specific Jupyter binary, run:

ConfigureJupyter["Add", "JupyterBinary" -> "..."]

To specify a specific Wolfram Engine binary, run:

ConfigureJupyter["Add", "WolframEngineBinary" -> "..." ]

Testing your installation

The following command should now list the Wolfram Engine:

jupyter kernelspec list

The output should include a line like this:

wolframlanguage-11.3.0    C:\ProgramData\jupyter\kernels\wolframlanguage-11.3.0

To test your installation, run the following command:

jupyter notebook

Then select Wolfram Language from the drop down menu:


After the In[] prompt you can now type a Wolfram Language command (use shift-enter to evaluate):


Outputs are either strings, for simple textual results, or images, for graphics and typeset results:


Any messages that occur during evaluation are displayed:


Building the WolframLanguageForJupyter paclet

To build the WolframLanguageForJupyter paclet file yourself, run:

configure-jupyter.wls build

This creates the WolframLanguageForJupyter-x.y.z.paclet file (use the PacletInfo.m to increment the version).

Removing your installation

Method 1: Using wolframscript

Run the following command to remove the Wolfram Language engine from Jupyter:

configure-jupyter.wls remove

Method 2: Using Wolfram Language

Run the following command:

