
php-http/client-common 2.0 support

Closed this issue · 8 comments

As the title says, support for php-http/client-common 2.0 would be nice to have in the long run.

Do you know if it's possible to support both versions?

Seems possible yes:
Enables both versions on their cache plugin.
Seems like it's done through a BC Compatible trait found in the 2.x versions:

But I don't think you are even using something in your bundle that would actually require any change (from what I could see while quickly looking over it) so just allowing version 2.x as well should probably work already.

Want to contribute maybe? 🙂

Seems like some packages are dropping PHP 5.6 support with version 2.0 so if you want to keep that in it's probably not possible to update.

I've started refactoring for v2 which uses PSR http client interface, so you could use any compatible client, but don't have time now to complete it

Upgraded dependencies so client-common 2.0 should work.