NanoPi NEO3

A tiny Rockchip RK3328 SoC, less power consumption. Works perfectly in my music system as a network audio interface (HQPlayer NAA and ROON Bridge).

The company FriendlyELEC they do only offer Ubuntu with 5.4.y Linux kernel. Therefore, I have decided to compile NanoPi NEO3 bootloader (u-boot v2020.10 official release), and finally get ArchLinux with customized mainline realtime kernel installed on this board.

Install to a micro SD card:

(replace sdx with the device name for the SD card on your computer)

dd if=idbloader.bin of=/dev/sdx seek=64 conv=notrunc

dd if=uboot.img of=/dev/sdx seek=16384 conv=notrunc

dd if=trust.bin of=/dev/sdx seek=24576 conv=notrunc

All the other steps, please refer to the installation manual of Rock64,