
Content for iodev

Primary LanguageMDX

IoTeX Developer Portal Content

This repository contains blog articles and academy content for the IoTeX Developer Portal at https://developers.iotex.io

How to contribute

Do you want to share a cool project you've built on IoTeX? Do you feel like you could write a great tutorial to help other developers? Are you some kind of guru in a specific IoT or Blockchain technology and you want to write about it? Below you'll find instructions and rules on how to submit your educational content or blog articles to the portal and become an active contibutor in the IoTeX Developers Community:

Developer Academy

"Developer Academy" is the section of the Developer Portal where developers can find educational content to learn and improve their development skills on the IoTeX platform. Content can be of three different types:

  • Quick Starts: represent the minimum set of instructions to get started using IoTeX with a specific technology or product. A quick start is not intended to solve any specific problem, create a specific project, nor include any more details than the minimum required to get to the point.
  • Tutorials: represent an accurate list of steps that anyone should be able to follow from start to end to solve one (and only one) specific problem, or implement a specific feature. Tutorials may include some educational explanations. They should however be limited to only relevant observations and should be concise.
  • Guides: represent content with broader views than tutorials, as they focus on architecture and best practices rather than on implementation details.

To contribute to the Academy, you can fork this repository to your GitHub account, add a new file in the academy folder and create a pull request to this repository.

Developer Blog

The "Developer Blog" is the section of the Developer Portal where the latest updates from the IoTeX developers core team get published. The blog also includes news from ecosystem developers and insightful articles about designing and building MachineFi Dapps. If you are a tech influencer in the IoT or Blockchain space, or you master any specific technology related to the space, feel free to contribute your articles to the IoTeX Developer Blog:

To contribute to the Blog, you can fork this repository to your GitHub account, add a new file in the blog folder and create a pull request to this repository.

Acceptance Rules


Only original content from the author will be accepted, whereas educational content can be based on existing projects as long as it's been extended with IoT, IoTeX or MachineFi concepts. Always make sure you're allowed to use the existing content. Ask the author when in doubt.


Content should be high quality and fully accurate. If you've submitted a tutorial, make sure you've tested the final version of the instructions step by step and that everything works as expected.


Be ready to receive requests for improvements to your PR and to make changes to your content before it's finally accepted.


You can use images in your markdown by simply copy/pasting your media in the content area while you're writing. Make sure you do not use the HTML <img /> tag, use the markdown syntax ![image title](image url) instead.

MDX Content

Developer Portal content supports MDX, which allows you to use JSX in your markdown content. You can import components, such as interactive charts or alerts, and embed them within your content.


import { Button, Alert, Link, Box, flexWrap } from '@chakra-ui/react'

// Buttons
<Button colorScheme="brand" my={2} mr={4}>
    <Link href='https://developers.iotex.io' isExternal>
      Developer Portal Home

// Alerts
<Alert status='success'>
    <AlertIcon />
    <AlertTitle>About W3bstream</AlertTitle>
        W3bstream is a powerful new framework that enables developers to connect data generated in the physical world to the blockchain world.

Learn more about MDX.