In this project I explored the behaviour that emerges when training the Fetch robot in OpenAI's Gym environments with curiosity intrinsic reward. The robot learns to discover the cube by itself and rapidly starts playing with it, since it receives the highest curiosity reward from it. The RL algorithm is Proximal Policy Optimization, implemented in TensorFlow Eager.
You'll need a recent version of TensorFlow (>= 1.8 in order to use the Eager Execution). The environments are based on the MuJoCo physics simulation, controlled through OpenAI gym. You can find a guide on how to install it in the OpenAI repository.
In there is all the code relative to the predictive dynamical model, that learns to predict the next state given the current state and action. It also implements a normalizer, used to obtain a better performance. In the main reinforcement learning algorithm is implemented using Eager Execution. The notebook contains the main code to run the experiments.
Feel free to drop me a line if you find bugs or you just feel curious. You can find me on Twitter: @normandipalo.