Meier is a small tool to match pupils to events/groups according to their preferences (green, yellow, red).
The name is borrowed from a class game where all pupils get cards with different spelling of the common German family name Meier (like Meyer, Maier, Mair, Meir and so on) and should find their mates with the same spelling all at the same time.
We use devenv for a simple setup of the development environment. You can also install Roc and Go in another way and use the respective build commands you find in the Taskfile.yaml.
$ git submodule update --init
$ devenv shell
$ task get-roc
$ exit
$ devenv shell
$ task build
$ ./webserver
We use the CSS library Bulma and the JS libraries htmx and _hyperscript. If you build the binary of this project, Bulma's minified CSS file, htmx' minified JS file and _hyperscript's minified JS file are included. Bulma is release under the MIT license. htmx is released under the BSD license. _hyperscript is released under the BSD license.