
According to changelog file to remind team members on the recent project changes.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Build Status npm npm


Changelog-reminder is a CHANGELOG file parsing and logging tool. It will parse the changelog file with keep a changelog as the standard format. After parsing the changelog file of your project, it will show which new features have been added since the last update.

Install changelog-reminder

$ npm install changelog-reminder

Or install it to global:

$ npm install changelog-reminder -g

npm is a builtin CLI when you install Node.js - Installing Node.js with NVM

Start parsing and logging

Make sure you have a changelog file in your project. You can find the sample and standard format changelog file in keep a changelog.

Installed in global

$ changelog-reminder

It will outputs all changes after parsing:asciicast

Installed as a dependency in project

Add this starting instruction to NPM scripts, such as this package.json:

  "name": "example",
  "version": "0.0.1",
  "scripts": {
    "start": "changelog-reminder && node main.js"

Then run $ npm run start, the changelog-reminder will launch.

No changes found

If no changes found, changelog-reminder will show the status:


Usage: changelog-reminder [options]. Check all options by typing $ changelog-reminder -h

Config file

Changelog-reminder will load changelog-reminder.yaml as config file by default. Also you can use changelog-reminder -c <file relative path> to specify a config file.

If no config file is existed in your project, the config data will use default arguments.

// changelog-reminder.js
const path = require("path");

module.exports = {
  confirm: true,
  showIntro: true,
  changelog: "./test/CHANGELOG",
  logger: path.join(process.cwd(), "./test/.changelogger")
  • changelog: Specify the changelog file. Default: $ ./CHANGELOG
  • logger: Specify the logger file, it records which verison you are staying at. Default: .changelogger
  • showIntro option: changelog-reminder will display the CHANGELOG introduction each time. Default: true
  • confirm option: after displaying the changes, changelog-reminder will enquire your whether already know the changes. It makes sure developers exactly know what's new. Default: false