
Skia-backed, lightning-fast 2D graphics library for Scala

Primary LanguageScala


scanvas is a lightning-fast vector graphics library for Scala, backed by the same engine that powers the Android UI and the <canvas> tag in Chrome: Skia.

scanvas uses javacpp to bind mono's fork of Skia, bringing you the full power of Skia with a friendly, idiomatic Scala API.

As well as using scanvas to draw and save flat png files, you can also make use of scanvas-gpu and lwjgl to render real-time graphics, for instance in a game.


import scanvas._
import java.io.FileOutputStream

def main = {
  val surface = Surface.newRaster(640, 480)
  val canvas = surface.canvas
  canvas.clear(Color.RGB(1f, 0f, 0f))
  val paint = Paint.blank.setColor(Color.RGB(0f, 1f, 0f))
  canvas.drawCircle(cx = 320, cy = 240, radius = 100, paint = paint)
  surface.snapshot.writeAsPngTo(new FileOutputStream("out.png"))