

  1. Obtain the appropriate utilities: gzip, bzip2, lzip, xz, rzip, lrzip.
  2. Locate the kservices directory for KDE menu services using: kf5-config --path services; this is typically: $HOME/.local/share/kservices5/ (local user) or /usr/share/kservices5/ (system-wide)
  3. Copy all *.desktop files to the desired kservices directory.
  4. Optional: Register rzip mime-type
    1. Locate the mime-type directory; this is typically: $HOME/.local/share/mime/ (local user) or /usr/share/mime/ (system-wide)
    2. Copy user-extension-rzip.xml to the packages subdirectory within the desired mime-type directory.
    3. Run update-mime <MIME-DIR> (where <MIME-DIR> is the mime-type directory); may require root privileges for system-wide installation: use su or sudo as appropriate.